Welcome to the family.
You are a new person.
When you accept Jesus as your Lord, you become part of His family, you have access to His resources and you finally have access to God’s plan for your life.
Your sins are forgiven.
All the junk is now in the past. You have made things right with God and He doesn’t even think about those things anymore. God has given you His Spirit to live inside you now. This is the Holy Spirit and when Jesus is Lord of your life (meaning, He tells you what to do and you listen) you have access to His POWER. You don’t have to live in sickness, addiction, depression, or anxiety anymore!
You can start a new life.
You may not change your job, where you live, or who you’re married to, but when you commit your life to Christ, you begin a completely new life because your perspective changes. You start thinking about yourself the way God thinks about you. You see others the way God sees them. Your life now has true meaning!
What do you do now?
Read your Bible every day! Find a The Bible is God’s Word and everything in it is true. You can learn about God, who He is, and how He thinks by reading His Word. If you don’t have a Bible, find a study Bible in a translation you can understand and read, read, read. We like the NLT and ESV for new believers. Great study Bibles include Fire Bible and Spirit-Filled Life Bible, among many others.
Pray every day! This just means talking to God. Take some time out of your day, go into a private space, and tell God what is on your mind. Then ask for His help, His wisdom and His thoughts. Take a few moments to sit quietly and listen. There is no perfect length of time or order of things to say. Just have a conversation. Matthew 6:9–13 is a great guideline to follow if you want a little guidance.
Go to church! This is where we learn about God and receive inspiration for living the way God wants us. It is also where we worship and pray and get into His presence. So much of our life in Jesus depends on going to a good church! And, it is in the church that we are able to develop COMMUNITY and friendships! God wants us to develop relationships with those who have the same belief system and church is a great way to meet people like that.
Get involved at Abundant Life.